When trying to improve the interior of your home, think beyond the standard paint, furniture, and flooring upgrades. Using a specific arrangement made up of multiple windows can significantly elevate the appearance of your residence while also letting more light and air into your home.
Dual Design Windows ![Creating Style with Multiple Windows](https://dwwindows.com/windows-blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/DW-Windows-image-300x195.png)
If you have a window in one of your rooms, such as an office, and it looks a bit plain, consider adding a slimmer, vertical window next to it to create a more exciting design. The height of both windows should be the same for the best-looking result. With such an arrangement, you’ll be able to let more light and air into the room while adding a style to the space that will draw everyone’s attention.
Trio of Windows
Another lovely design concept is to have a large window installed in your living or entertainment area and then install a smaller window on each side of the large one. The central window could be a picture window, which would let in a massive amount of light and allow you a gorgeous view. The two additional windows can be functioning designs that will allow air to flow into your home when opened.
Bank of Windows
In your master bedroom, you can elevate the look of the décor by installing a whole line of small windows high up along an exterior wall. These windows will create a chic appearance in the room. The location of the windows will allow additional light into the area, while still preserving your privacy. If you’re able to place your bed along the same wall, the windows will serve as a beautiful backdrop for your sleeping space.
Window design and placement can significantly add to the interior and exterior beauty of your house. For more information about quality windows and how they can improve the look of your home, please contact us today.