Roof repairs in the winter. Just reading that sentence gives us a headache, and we’re the pros! While it seems like roof repairs can’t, or shouldn’t, be done in the winter, when a roof repair needs to be done, it’s better to act fast and get it over with ASAP.

This is especially true in the winter. Thanks to snow, ice, and rain, a small problem with your roof is bound to become a big problem if it’s not addressed right away.

Roof repair safety

The best time to address a roof repair in the winter is a few days before a major snowfall, not the day before or at the last minute! You or your roofer will also need to take extra care not to slip and fall while on the roof, too, so working with one or two spotters is a must!

Ladder safety should also be respected. Clear snow off the ground before placing your ladder so you know that it’s flat on the ground before going up. Make sure you have spotters as you ascend. For the safest access possible, ensure your ladder can extend several feet above the roof’s edge and is free of debris.


Another hazard to watch for when making winter roof repairs is ice dams. Ice dams are a common problem and occur when snow on the roof melts and freezes again, causing water to stay trapped on your roof. The water can wear through shingles, wood and insulation and cause leaks in your roof, so clearing them ASAP is a must, winter roof damage or no. In fact, you should clear your ice dams BEFORE you ascend the ladder and start roof repair work.

The best way to repair your roof is to avoid a repair entirely. Make sure to check your roof every spring and fall for possible issues. Also, perform regular maintenance like clearing your gutters of leaves and debris to prevent snow buildup and ice dams.

While these are great tips, if you want a safe, professional roof repair that will last a while, don’t go up the ladder yourself! Contact us today to talk roof repairs or replacements or click here for a free estimate!