It’s still hot outside. And while that means you want to take the rest of the summer easy, right now is a great time to get a head start on winterizing your home and getting ready for colder months. We know we’re being killjoys right now; after all, summer’s not going to last forever. But with back-to-school just around the corner, we know you might be busier than ever next month.

Since the weather’s still warm and you have some time between summer adventures and shuttling your family to and from school, appointments, and extracurriculars, this is still the best time to tackle your home to-dos before the temperature drops and your schedule becomes jam-packed. Specifically, checking your roofing before it gets too cold. Here’s what you should do on and around your roof before temperatures dip.

Clean your gutters

Fall is around the corner, so autumn leaves are going to be landing on your roof and in your gutters soon. Summer storms and some leaf-fall could have clogged your gutters. To prepare for the onslaught of autumn leaves, cleaning your gutters now and keeping an eye on them during the warmer fall months is a must to keep them from becoming over-clogged in the winter.

Trim your hedges and clean your yard

Before going up on your roof, look around your house for any debris, weeds, or anything you should remove from your side yard. Then, grab your weed killers, rakes, and shovels and get to work! The purpose here is two-fold: you’re outside anyway, so why not spruce up your yard now? Second, depending on how much debris is in your side yard, it’s safer to go up your ladder after you clean the ground.

Schedule roof work now!

There’s no more time left to wait. Weather’s getting colder and roofers’ schedules are getting filled – if they’re not backed up already! If you go up your roof and find damage, waiting until spring is bad idea, mainly because winters can make roof damage worse. From ice dams to leaks, winter can make minor roof damage now severe roof damage later.

Sometimes, roof damage is obvious and you can see it from the ground – or inside your house in the form of a leak. Other times, you have to climb up and see if there’s a leak or any roof damage needing repairs. If you have the experience going up yourself, and you have someone (spouse, friend, neighbor, etc.) to “spot” you from the ground, follow our tips in this blog for climbing your roof safely.

If you found roof damage that needs repair – again, don’t wait. Contact us today about an inspection. Have major damage? Check out our roofing services and receive a free estimate here!