Are grimy windows bringing you down, but you don’t have extra cash to throw at a professional window washer?

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of scrubbing smudges and streaks? You’ve tried everything to get them clean, but no matter what you do, your windows just don’t seem to sparkle.

In this post, we’re going to give you tips on how to wash your windows like the pros.

So put down those paper towels (seriously, put ‘em down!) and grab a lint-free cloth because it’s time to make your windows shine brighter than ever before!


Before You Begin

We recommend cleaning your windows at least twice per year, once in the spring and again in the fall. However, you may find that certain windows in high-traffic areas, like the kitchen or living room, need some extra attention.

And don’t forget to dust your windows before cleaning them. It may seem like an extra step, but it actually removes any loose debris and cobwebs, so you don’t find yourself just pushing dirt around while you clean.

Also, try to clean your windows on an overcast day. You want to avoid direct sunlight, or else you’ll risk getting annoying streaks on the glass.


The Best Tools for the Job

Achieving sparkling clear windows requires using the right tools.

Here’s a pro tip: Don’t waste your time with paper towels and Windex – they won’t do the trick.

Instead, use these handy items:

  • A squeegee
  • Lint-free or microfiber cloths
  • A bucket
  • Cleaning solution

For best results, use your squeegee on large windows and your microfiber cloth on smaller panes.

Your cleaning solution doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive. Adding about 2 tablespoons of dish soap to every gallon of warm water should work just fine.

Also, use distilled water if you can. Regular tap water contains minerals, which can dirty up the windows as you clean them.


Let’s Clean!

Now to the fun part. Spray your cleaning solution on the glass, then let it sit for 30 seconds before wiping with a squeegee or microfiber cloth. Give it a little time to break up that dirt and grime.

Start at the top of the window and work your way down to catch any drips.

When using a squeegee, wipe it with a cloth after each stroke to remove dirt. If you’re using a microfiber cloth, just fold it into a small square or rectangle, and keep moving to a clean section of the cloth as you go.

Work in one direction, using horizontal strokes on one side of the glass and vertical strokes on the other to help you identify any remaining streaks.


A Clearer View

There’s nothing like crystal clean windows to make your home feel brighter. So grab some lint-free cloths, pick up a bucket of cleaning solution, and let’s get these windows shining as bright as they can!

And speaking of crystal-clear windows, if it’s time to update your home with some fresh new windows – D&W Windows & Sunrooms has everything you need.

Check out our amazing selection of designs, so you can find exactly what you’re looking for to suit your home’s style and needs.

Find what you need at D&W Windows & Sunrooms!