5 Window Types: Which is the Best for You?

If you’re like most homeowners, you probably spend plenty of time daydreaming about ways to improve your home. But if there’s one thing that stops even the most determined folks in their tracks, it’s window shopping! With so many options available, it can be...

How to Get Rid of Window Sill Mold

Do you ever notice large dark spots on your window sills? If so, it could be mold. Mold growth in or around windows is common, especially when there’s consistent humidity and temperature fluctuations, combined with improper ventilation. The good news is, there are...

How to Wash Your Windows Like a Pro

Are grimy windows bringing you down, but you don’t have extra cash to throw at a professional window washer? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending cycle of scrubbing smudges and streaks? You’ve tried everything to get them clean, but no matter what you...

Design a Feature Wall with Windows

Windows can be more than just functional; they can also be beautiful. When placed thoughtfully, windows can become a design feature in any room. If you’re looking to add interest to a blank wall, consider creating a striking window feature. With a little...