Spring Cleaning Tips for your Windows

It’s that time of year again: spring cleaning. Time to break out the broom, the mop, and the deep-cleaning supplies. From donating old clothes to tackling outdoor projects that were put on hold because of the winter, there’s another item on your to-do that you...

How to measure your window screens

Over time, your window screens face wear and tear. Sometimes, the damage is obvious, like if your screen gets torn. Rust can also be a sign that it’s time for new window screens. Other times, a weathered or worn screen can be hard to spot. A faded screen might not...

Now’s the time for the perfect patio door

Like with your windows, drafts can sneak in and out of your patio door. Since your patio door is larger than your windows, that could be a lot of warmth and comfort sneaking out of your house, making your home less comfortable and costing you in energy bills! Plus,...

3 reasons to call a roof inspector after winter

Winter is coming to a close. Eventually, temperatures will rise and snow won’t be back for another several months. But now, as the weather warms and the ice melts, you have an important job: go up on the roof and inspect it for leaks or other signs of disrepair. Snow...