4 Sunroom Decorating Ideas for Fall

Crisp mornings and bright foliage are wonderful sights at this time of year. If you have a sunroom, you don’t have to walk out of your house to enjoy the scenery of a lavish fall morning or fiery fall evening. If you have a sunroom, you can enjoy all four seasons’...

Will Your Windows Keep You Warm?

As the weather gets colder, it’s more important than ever to check your windows. Your windows insulate your home from the elements and keep out drafts. Having well-insulated windows doesn’t just keep your home at a comfortable temperature. It also helps you save money...

3 Signs You Need to Replace Your Siding

When it comes to your siding, replacing it could be a matter of time. Depending on what your siding is made of, you’ll need to replace it every so often. Organic materials like wood need to be replaced the most often. Stucco siding seems eco-friendly, but will need to...

Entryway ideas for Back to School

If your family hasn’t gone back to school yet, the time for First Day of School pictures and waving goodbye to the school bus is fast approaching. It’s time – or past time – to get organized and ready for another school year. But if your school year already started,...

3 Reasons to Install a Patio Cover Soon

It’s the dog days of summer, but winter will be here soon enough. In Michigan, that means the ground will freeze and construction projects will need to be put on hold until next spring. While no installation company can guarantee your patio cover will be installed...

3 Steps to Replace your Windows in Summer

Sometimes, you need to replace your windows right away, weather notwithstanding. Although the best times to replace your windows are in the spring and fall, these are also the seasons that become booked up fast. The good news is that summer has shorter wait times and...

Take Care of Your Roof Before It Gets Cold!

It’s still hot outside. And while that means you want to take the rest of the summer easy, right now is a great time to get a head start on winterizing your home and getting ready for colder months. We know we’re being killjoys right now; after all, summer’s not going...

3 Reasons to Install a Sunroom this Summer

The dog days of summer are upon us. Temperatures are still soaring into the 90s. Plus, here in Michigan, August can be rainy. From triple-digit temperatures to summer monsoons, there’s still a way to enjoy Michigan seasons without needing to step outside: sunrooms. An...